..--* rules/Tips*--..
Don't RDM(Randomly kill people)
Don't Randomly KOS(Kill on sight, Unless you are a Traitor.)
Don't Accuse anyone of rdm unless you have checked if they were a traitor!(unless you were a traitor, then got killed as one)
Don't Prop Push! (killing people with objects) Unless you are a Traitor!
Don't Discombob RDM! kill people with discombobs! Still rdm! unless you are a traitor of course.
Don't Kill afk's until 3 minutes have past!
Don't Kill people out of suspicion you must have solid proof!
No Nude Sprays(Cmon people) XD
No Mic spam! FFS people...
No raging...
Respect everyone! Especially the staff!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask staff! They will be glad to help you!
Staff Rules
Be lenient. Not so strict XD
ALWAYS Ask a higher rank before taking any action! (slay,gag,ban,ect..)
NEVER slay midround unless massive rdm is going on (admin checks logs first)
There is a mic Limit so save your chat time for when it's needed!
Innocent people can hang bodies!
make sure to have proof on people before you kill them to avoid Rdm/Slays!
If you get slayed it means you did something wrong! stop it! if you don't know what you did ask!
Press F3 for the pointshop!
Respect Staff!